Critical Success Factors Influencing Effective Oil Exploration in Buliisa District, Uganda

  • Paul Buhenga Masiko Uganda Management Institute
Keywords: Human Resources Competence, Technology Competence, Stakeholders' Management, Effective Oil Exploration, Quality Assurance, Cost Management


The purpose of this study was to explore the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) responsible for the effectiveness of oil exploration in Uganda. Descriptive cross sectional research design was employed. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected from 127 randomly selected respondents using questionnaires and focus group discussions. Multiple regression analysis was employed in testing the hypotheses. Research findings indicated that stakeholder management was the most critical factor for success of oil exploration in Buliisa District. This was followed by human resource competence. This study confirms that the CSFs have a direct influence on effective oil exploration in Buliisa District, Uganda. The paper contributes to literature on oil exploration in Uganda, an area that is still in its inception stages. The study thus recommends stakeholders’ management plan to periodically monitor and evaluate the implementation programs of oil exploration. In addition, oil exploration organizations should build both human resource and technology competences in terms of skills, knowledge and abilities since they are essential ingredients of knowledge transfer. Future studies should consider longitudinal research design to as well as extending to other oil exploration districts in the Albertine region considering that this study was considered for a short time and in only one oil exploration district of Buliisa.

How to Cite
Buhenga Masiko, P. (2018). Critical Success Factors Influencing Effective Oil Exploration in Buliisa District, Uganda. Ugandan Journal of Management and Public Policy Studies, 15(1), 23 - 39. Retrieved from