Staff Development and Quality Education in Uganda
Analysis of Quality Teaching and Research in Private Chartered Universities
This study explored the contribution of staff development to quality education in Uganda. The study was triggered by persistent public criticism of the quality of education especially in private universities in Uganda. A positivist research paradigm and descriptive cross-sectional survey research design were used to conduct the study. Data were collected from four private chartered universities registered in Uganda. Respondents included 181 lecturers, 23 heads of department, 5 deans, 3 quality assurance officers, 3 directors of research, 3 senior staff from the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE). Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and content analysis were used to analyze the data collected. The results indicated a significant positive relationship (r=0.587, p=0.000<0.05) between staff development and quality teaching and research. The results suggest that improved staff development initiatives correspond to improved quality teaching. The study recommended that private universities should share knowledge through collaborations, experience-sharing, workshops and exchange teaching and research material and ideas to learn good teaching, research and management practices from each other.
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